Crouch, David
b. September 29, 1814, in Nicholas County, Kentucky; d. September 14, 1871, in Sangamon County, Illinois. Crouch settled in
Rochester Township in Sangamon County, Illinois, in August 1834. On March 29, 1835, he married Clara Ann
Strafford. They had five children in Sangamon County. In November 1857, Crouch was elected constable in Rochester. In 1860,
he was
a farmer with real estate worth $2,500 and personal property worth $600.
Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 28 November 1857, 2:2; John Power, History of the Early Settlers
of Sangamon County, Illinois (Springfield: E. A. Wilson and Company, 1876), 235; Sangamon County, Illinois, Seventh
Census of the United States, 1850; Sangamon County, Illinois, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.